Legal Notice Format
Date : xxxxxxx
Mr. B
Sub: Legal Notice on behalf of my client Mr. A for recovery of Rs. 90,000/- along with 18% interest per annum w.e.f xxxxxx
I under instruction and on behalf of my client Mr. A , D/o xxxxxxx R/o xxxxxxxx do hereby serve you following legal notice: .
- That my client runs a leading music and singing classes in name and style of M/s Mr. A’s Singing Classes.
- you had approached my client for training of your friend Mr.C in music and singing.You had represented that Mr. C has a very good voice but is not a trained singer. You requested my client to train him in classical as well as modern singing.
- That you agreed to pay Rs. 1,00,000/- for those classes. You had paid only Rs. 10,000/-as advance payment. You had promised to pay Rs. Rs 90,000/- after one month. A contract has been duly signed between you and my client.
- That my client gave best of training to Mr. C . Mr. C’s training in music and singing has already been completed and he has also become a renowned singer. Despite the same, you have not paid remaining Rs. 90,000/-.
- That our client has many times sent you reminders through e-mail, whats app for payment of outstanding dues. But as yet you have failed to pay the outstanding amount.
- That you are liable to pay Rs. 90,000/- alongwith 18 % interest per annum thereon w.e.f xxxxxx.
In light of aforesaid facts, I call upon you on behalf of my client to pay Rs. 90,000/- with 18 % interest per annum w.e.f xxxxx within 30 days, failing which our client will be constrained to initiate appropriate civil and criminal proceedings. You will also be liable to pay the legal cost of any such proceedings.
A copy of this notice is retained in our office for further reference.